This Gist contains a `custom.css` file with missing stylesheets for the Nextcloud News app. ## Setup the file automatically To get this file easily go to the Nextcloud's directory and run the following command: - Make sure that the user has sufficent rights to write to the News app's css directory ```bash curl -sSL | bash ``` ## Setup the file manually If you're not comfortable running shell scripts from web find the `news` directory yourself, go to the `css` directory and get the `custom.css` file: ```bash curl "" -o custom.css ``` The directory should look like this afterwards: ```bash nextcloud/custom_apps# ls news/css/ admin.css app.css content.css custom.css explore.css mobile.css navigation.css settings.css shortcuts.css ``` ## Context to the issue The issue in question is [here](). Nextcloud, in an update, moved to Vue so the News app developers decided to rewrite the app in Vue as well. However due to the styles that Nextcloud removed the app's sidebar is an unusable mess. For whatever reason the app's developers are unwilling to patch/bodge the app while they're rewritng it. It's now been unusable for since Nextcloud 24 and we're now on Nextcloud 29. From one of the developers explaining why they won't pach it: > For the same reason that putting duct tape on a Boeing doesn't suddenly make it airworthy again. > > The current version is practically decommissioned and does not claim to support Nextcloud 28. The rewrite is the only way to get the app in a working shape again. This makes no sense as no lives are at stake here and it's literally a 5 minute fix and they can go back to rewriting the app. There's no harm at all in providing this file in the meantime but the developers are stubborn and don't care about their users, apparently. After this the developers locked the conversation.